Member publications consists of articles and papers contributed by members of the Foundation to leading newspapers, magazines, and journals. Articles & Opinions and Bibliography comprise a repository of academic articles on education and other allied domains such as health, livelihoods and sustainability.

Member Publications

By Anurag Behar
September 16, 2015
The huge display was the most prominent thing in the school. It was painted on the wall with a black background and white lettering in Hindi. It had the profile of the school, with the numbers and some details of the students and the...
By Anurag Behar
September 02, 2015
What do we want from transportation? Multiple things, for example, to get to places where we want to go, along with safety, speed, low cost and comfort. How is this done? Through multiple modes and systems, such as trains, roads, cars and...
By Anurag Behar
August 19, 2015
Twenty-five years ago, 10 people started a small school in Bengaluru. It started on the terrace of a friend’s home, with more teachers than students. Over the next few years, the school moved from place to place, operating from within a...
By Dileep Ranjekar
Civil Society
August 09, 2015
MY colleague, who recently shifted his family to another city, got admission for his six-year-old son, Akshay, in Class 1 of a reasonably reputed school. Akshay is dealing with several kinds of challenges — a new city, new school...
By Alex M. Thomas
Economic and Political Weekly
August 08, 2015
The Economic Survey is an important economic document published every year by the Ministry of Finance. This article undertakes a critical assessment of the vision of economic growth embedded in the Economic Survey 2014–15. It is argued...
By Anurag Behar
July 22, 2015
If you haven’t already done it, then try teaching a child who is in Grades 5 to 8. Pick any topic, say volcanoes. Driven by the child’s curiosity and your own desire for her to learn, the conversation will quickly go deeper and broader...

Articles & Opinions

By Letícia Xander Russo, Joilson Dias
May 05, 2016
This paper investigates the returns to education in terms of individuals’ health in Brazil.
By Danielle Lake, Hannah Fernando, Dana Eardley
Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy
May 04, 2016
Unlike the traditional disciplinary approach to research and problem-solving still common in higher education, this article explicates and recommends an interdisciplinary, holistic pedagogical approach that takes seriously the...
By Adrian Martina, Brendan Coolsaetb, Esteve Corberac, Neil M. Dawsona, James A. Fraserd, Ina Lehmanna, Iokiñe Rodriguez
Biological Conservation
May 01, 2016
In light of the Aichi target to manage protected areas equitably by 2020, we ask how the conservation sector should be incorporating concerns for social justice.
By Pedro Bernala, Nikolas Mittagb, Javaeria A. Qureshic
Labour Economics
April 01, 2016
The recent literature on school quality has shown that the school a child attends has significant effects on achievement. However, the literature relating different school characteristics to student achievement has produced mixed results,...
By Francesco Burchia, Pasquale De Muro
Food Policy
April 01, 2016
This paper has a threefold objective. First, it provides a comprehensive review of different approaches to analysing food security. Second, it highlights the added value provided by the capability approach and the human development...
By Lynn Sheridan
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
March 03, 2016
Pre-service teachers enter teacher education with beliefs about teaching and ideas on pedagogical approaches. This research focuses on monitoring the pedagogical beliefs of a cohort of pre-service teachers’ pre-existing pedagogical beliefs...


Talking to learn: The hidden curriculum of a fifth-grade science class

By Hye Yeong Kim
English for Specific Purposes
Grounded in sociocultural perspectives on language and learning, this study explores a recurring discourse event—student-led presentations in a US Grade 5 Science classroom—in order to better understand how discursive practices of a...
Category: Teacher Professional Development

Contract Teachers in India

By Tara Béteille, Vimala Ramachandran
Economic and Political Weekly
A study conducted in nine states --Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh--examines how widespread is the practice of hiring contract teachers across states; to what extent...
Category: Education Policy

Research Culture in Indian Universities

By Pravin J. Patel
Social Change
This article, examining the interface of research university and knowledge society, argues that India will have to build a strong research base in its universities since a modern research-oriented university is the mother of knowledge...
Category: Higher Education

Teaching about Teaching: Examining the Pedagogy of Teacher Education in India

By Rajashree Srinivasan
Higher Education for Future
This is a qualitative study that sought to capture the narrations of 30 teacher educators teaching in diverse teacher education classrooms. The article frames the pedagogy of teacher education as four problems
Category: Teacher Professional Development

India of Ideas: Mapping the Status of Higher Education in India and Mobilizing Discourse towards a Quest for Equity and Excellence

By Francis Kuriakose, Deepa Kylasam Iyer
Higher Education for Future
The article traces the idea of education from the early Greek and Indian philosophers, the university tradition of India during the British rule which laid the foundations of modern Indian education, to the present-day...
Category: Higher Education

Integrating Social Responsibility of University and Corporate Sector for Inclusive Growth in India

By Seema Singh
Higher Education for Future
The article discusses that even though most of the universities are not explicit about their social responsibility, they are interacting with community through their students and faculty as part of course work or voluntary co-...
Category: Higher Education